31 May 2013
|Freedom Sailors is the story about how 44 members of civil society bought two decrepit boats and sailed them to Gaza in August, 2008. It is the story of courage, determination and fortitude, as the passengers faced threats from Israel, lack of money and seasickness. Readers have told us they cannot put the book down once they start reading it, reading like an adventure story told by 24 of the passengers on board or Palestinians patiently waiting for them to sail into the port.
The book has been endorsed by Ramzy Baroud, Nobel Peace laureate, Mairead Maguire, Baroness jenny Tonge, Noam Chomsky and Alice Walker, plus others who have found the book inspiring. Col Ann Wright, a board member of Free Gaza has written the forward.
Customers who have purchased the book through Amazon.com have agreed that it is a story that must be told and read. http://www.amazon.com/Freedom-
What you can do
1. Support the ongoing work of Free Gaza by buying the book through www.FreedomSailors.com, where you can purchase through Amazon, Kindle or PayPal. The editors keep no royalties, all money goes to the Gaza Community Mental Health Clinic, work on Gaza's Ark or other Free Gaza projects.
2. Buy copies for your local libraries and university libraries and donate them. Ask your bookstore to carry the book, since it is self-published.
3. Write a review on Amazon once you have purchased and read the book.
4. Invite the editors to a group event in your locality, where we will talk about the book and sign copies. You can see one of the events here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?
There would have been no Gaza Freedom March, Viva Palestina, Global March to Jerusalem, Freedom Flotillas or the half dozen other initiatives that have been formed to put the story of the Palestinians of Gaza on the front page if our intrepid passengers on those two derelict boats had not successfully entered Gaza almost five years ago.
Read about it. Help us raise money for Gaza'a Ark. If you donate $25.00 or more through our DONATE button, we will send you a signed copy of the book. You won't be disappointed
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