The video is based on the eloquent essay by Ramzi Kysia and is one of a series of videos the Free Gaza Movement will produce every two weeks until we leave again for Gaza. If you have not seen our last video, Is Israel Guilty of Piracy: These videos are being produced by the Free Gaza media team with the brilliant Paola Mandato in charge of images, video and music. Our next video will cover the first anniversary of our voyage to Gaza.", updated: "2009-08-13 21:51:24" }, {button: true}); var id = "sharethis_" + obj.idx; var x = document.getElementById(id); obj.attachButton(x);

The video is based on the eloquent essay by Ramzi Kysia and is one of a series of videos the Free Gaza Movement will produce every two weeks until we leave again for Gaza.

If you have not seen our last video, Is Israel Guilty of Piracy:

These videos are being produced by the Free Gaza media team with the brilliant Paola Mandato in charge of images, video and music. Our next video will cover the first anniversary of our voyage to Gaza.