About the CampaignIn partnership with Al-Aqsa University, the Free Gaza Movement (FG) is launching its
“Right to Read” campaign which will use the FG boats to deliver textbooks and other educational supplies to universities throughout the occupied Gaza Strip.
This is not a charitable endeavor. Rather it is an act of solidarity and resistance to Israel’s chokehold on Gaza and attempt to deny Palestinians education. According to UNWRA, Israel’s blockade prevents ink, paper and other learning materials from entering into Gaza.
Our first shipment will be sent on FG’s Summer of Hope July voyage to Gaza.
How You Can HelpOur campaign invites individuals to join us at a person-to-person level by contributing one or more books to our shipment as an expression of resistance to the blockade. This effort also allows institutions around the world to support Palestinians’ right to education by donating new and used copies of textbooks to be delivered by the Free Gaza Movement to universities in the Gaza Strip.
You can donate funds to purchase books (and/or help offset shipping costs to Cyprus) or you can send new and used books directly for inclusion on an upcoming voyage.
Also, if you are an academic institution or are connected to one and are willing to give Gaza universities access to your e-library, please let us know.
Sending FundsDonations for the Right to Read Campaign will be used to purchase books directly and to cover shipping costs for books that are received at Free Gaza sites other than Cyprus. Please designate “Right to Read” in the comment field to ensure that the funds are appropriated to this campaign.
Sending BooksThe Right to Read Campaign accepts all new or used books for shipment. To order books, please refer to either the
U.S. compiled wish list or the
UK compiled wish list from the universities in Gaza.
You may send the books directly to Cyprus or to the Free Gaza collection site nearest to you:
CyprusFree Gaza Movement
Digenthios and Avgousta Court
Nigrid Street 6018 Apt. 203
Larnaca, CYPRUS
United StatesFree Gaza US Collection Site
PO Box 5772
Rockville, MD 20855
For More InformationFor more information regarding the Right to Read Campaign, please contact one of the following coordinators:
Dina Kennedy:
dkennedy [at] freegaza.orgDarlene Wallach:
darlene [at] freegaza.org